Dear students,
Read the following details properly as it gives you further details on the checkout procedure regarding the Erasmus ICM programme administration.
Your scholarship is calculated by day based on the dates in the scholarship contract you signed after your arrival at MU. Most of you signed the scholarship contract with 7th February 2025 as the last day of scholarship support, so you must stay in Brno by at least 3rd February 2025 to get the full financial support as indicated in the grant agreement/addendum to the grant agreement.
In case you plan on leaving earlier than 3rd February 2025 you must let me know immediately to change the grant agreement and reflect it in the last scholarship instalment. If you stay longer after 7th February 2025 you will not get any further scholarship coverage (except for the official extension of your stay until the spring semester 2025 as Erasmus ICM students).
Keep in mind that the minimal lenght of your stay in Brno must be at least 3 months.
If you want to change the date of your departure, let us know immediately! I would appreciate if you could inform me about your date of departure from Brno in any case, no matter when you are leaving.
You need to inform me about your departure date from Brno by e-mail until 2 January 2025 if you leave in February or at least 30 days before the planned departure if you leave Brno in erlier than February 2025.