1. IS activities: log in and password change
To log into the IS, use your login details which have already been sent to your email earlier. Please read all instructions carefully. If you did not receive your login details, check your spam box first. If you do not find it there, let us know.
- You need your primary password to log in to the IS.
- You need a MU identification number to log in to the IS (remember it by heart as you will need it often during your stay at MU). Everyone at MU calls it UCO (MU ID number in Czech)
The first step after you get IS MU credentials: You change your primary and secondary passwords in IS MU. Go directly to the following link in IS MU to make it happen.
The second step after you get IS MU credentials: You are obligated to verify your identity in the MU Information system using a video recording https://is.muni.cz/auth/ztotozneni/videoztotozneni?lang=en;setlang=en. If you follow the instructions on the screen, you will record your video with your ID. We will be informed about the fact the verification video was recorded by you, and we will approve the video by ourselves and grant you full access to IS MU. Please do it ASAP after you get this email, as it is needed for the MU IS full access. You will need your passport or a national ID (with your photograph). Please check your recorded verification video whether all the details on your ID page are readable. If not, record it again.
The third step after you get IS MU credentials: Each incoming student is given access to MU university e-mail inbox. This MU e-mail address is the only communication tool for MU teachers to get in touch with you, please keep checking it in IS MU at https://is.muni.cz/auth/mail/?lang=en or get it forwarded to the other e-mail address you use on a daily basis, https://is.muni.cz/auth/mail/settings?lang=en in order not to miss any message from MU teachers.
If you have received your MU IS login details before and you do not remember them, please let me know.