19 Nov 2020, 16:32

Instructions on MU Information System (IS)

MU information system link https://is.muni.cz/?lang=en

The online Information System of Masaryk University is an essential tool you will be using on daily basis during your studies at MU: from registering the courses which you want to study, accessing all study materials, seeing your timetable, through payments (e.g. for the orientation week). Read instructions in detailed MU information system guidelines and check more below.

1. IS activities: log in and password change

To log into the IS, use your login details which have been already sent to your email earlier. Please read all instructions carefully. If you did not receive your login details, check your spam box first. If you do not find it there, let us know.

- You need your primary password to log in the IS. 

- You need MU identification number to log in the IS (remember it by heart as you will need it often during your stay at MU)

Make sure you follow the instructions in the email and change both of your passwords (primary and secondary). 


2. IS activities: Course registration

Online course registration at MU is compulsory for all incoming students. The basic steps which you need to follow to register for MU courses are described below. 

List of available courses taught in English (updated on rolling bases)

MU course registration steps

1 ) First, you will need to REGISTER (to show your interest in taking the course) for the course online at http://is.muni.cz during the registration period or enrollment period. 

See step by step guidelines in our YouTube channel or guidelines.

2) Once the registration is OK you will be ENROLLED in the given course (you are approved for taking the course) in the enrollment period (see the academic calendar for Spring 2021 for the dates – choose the Spring 2021 term in the top line of the page, and click on Update the term).

See step by step guidelines in our YouTube channel or guidelines.

3) If the Information System does not ENROL you automatically in the given course in the enrollment period you will need to apply for an exception that goes to the course teacher.

See step by step guidelines in our YouTube channel or guidelines.

3. Grading System and ECTS

Masaryk University uses European Credit and Accumulation Transfer System (ECTS). For purposes of foreign partner universities, enabling the easy transfer and recognition of obtained grades, see the document Grading System and ECTS at MU .The scale of grades used at Masaryk University is a part of every transcript of records, issued for international students at the end of their study at MU. See the sample of Transcript of Records

Find more about ECTS at Masaryk Univeristy in our guidelines

4. Communication and action timeline

Date Further details/Action to be taken
late November Students will receive an acceptance letter by regular mail
November Guidelines on MU  Information System and its login details
November Guidelines on how to register courses online (IS Guideline)
January/February Details on Orientation Week
December/January Guidelines on how to pay for booking a room, for Orientation Week and for MU student ISIC card
December/January Guidelines on how to book a room online in ISKaM system
mid-January On-arrival information
January Welcoming Letter from ESN MUNI Brno
February Students finally arrive to Brno (be in touch with tutor/buddy)
February Orientation Week
first Monday of Orientation Week attend the compulsory admission
mid March finalization of a list of courses in IS
early March – late May/early June teaching period (lectures, seminars, etc.)
late May/early June- mid-July examination period 
late May/early June- mid-July check-out 
mid July end of semester

5. IS activities: other steps

IS also allows you to do the following:

- redirect your IS email to your daily based email agent

- find teachers and students at MU by name

- change your primary and secondary password


How to get to Brno
How to get to your dormitory
Map of Brno
App - MU buildings


Useful information

MU International student guide

Orientation Week

Semester calendar

MU Centre for International Cooperation  

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Masaryk University

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