11 May 2020, 11:07
Pre-departure Instructions
Dear students,
as some of you reached out about their planned departures, we are sending you instructions on how to proceed when leaving Brno. The information is relevant also for those who are completing their mobility from abroad.
The email does not concern practicalities of your departure (flights, border crossings, etc.), as this kind of information changes quickly. You have to follow the updates on ministry websites, the news, and our emails.
Procedure for leaving dormitories
You can check out from the dormitory only during working days (until 2 PM) on the day of your departure or max. 2 days in advance. (If you check-out 1 or 2 days in advance, you CAN stay at the dormitory until your departure). If you are planning to leave at the weekend, please arrange everything on Thursday or on Friday. Please follow these steps:
1) Clean your room.
2) Go to the reception and call a cleaning lady to check your room. After checking your room, she will give you a small piece of paper called “Odhlašovací lístek” (this can be done max. 2 days in advance).
3) Print out the CHECK-OUT FORM and fill in your name, UČO and parts 2, 3, 4 and 5. There is a slot for a signature, but since you are sending it by email, it (exceptionally) does not have to be signed this semester.
4) Bring the “Odhlašovací lístek” to the accommodation assistant in the halls of residence and get the Check-out form signed by him/ her (Part 1).
5) Send the checkout form, filled out and signed by the accommodation assistant, to me by email.
6) When leaving the dormitory, do not forget to return your key at the reception!
7) Not compulsory: if you want to donate your kitchen utensils for next semester's Second Hand Shop (a market where students can take what they need and the profit goes to charity), please wash them and leave them at the reception.
What if I lived in private accommodation?
If you lived in private accommodation, please send me your accommodation contract (so that I can verify that you didn't live in dormitories) and your flight/ bus/ train ticket from Brno, so that I can verify your date of departure (if you need the confirmation of departure from Brno). If you don't have these documents, let me know, and we'll solve it. You have to send me the CHECK-OUT FORM, too, but the part for dormitory will be blank.
What else?
Make sure to:
1) Return books to the library.
2) Close your bank account (if you are leaving before receiving the accommodation scholarship, change the account number as soon as possible to some which will be active by at least the last third of June (it can be an account of your friend). To close the account, withdraw all the money you have on it (except for approx. 30 crowns which will cover the fees for the last transactions). Go to the bank (take your payment card with you) and ask them to close the account. The payment card will be deactivated. After 30 days from the deactivation, the account will be closed.)
Documents for home university
Your home university will require 1 or 2 documents from you:
I will issue the document for you AFTER you've sent me your checkout form. If you don't have all your grades yet at that point, I will only process your checkout and I will wait until you message me that you received your last grade, and issue the transcript then. It will also contain the dates of your mobility and a grade overview (see example here). There is a new grade this semester: "S". This grade might be awarded for courses that were cancelled because of the pandemic (this does not apply to all cancelled courses). You will get credits for those courses, but the grade will not influence your grade average. If you have this grade, your home university decides if/ how they will acknowledge it.
2) (not every university) CONFIRMATION OF STUDY PERIOD (or a similar name)
If you home university requires such a document, please send me the empty form when sending the checkout form.
IMPORTANT! There will be no more office hours this semester. If your home university requires original documents and scans are not enough, there are two possibilities: we can either send them to you by post, or you can schedule an appointment by email with me to pick them up in person in my office (Komenského square 2). Before going there, sign this declaration, please.
Dormitories FAQ
What to do to extend/shorten the dormitory accommodation contract?
-> See the SKM website and if the procedure is not clear, contact your accommodation assistant.
Will I get the booking deposit back?
-> Yes, it will be used to cover your last/ second to last month of accommodation, depending on your date of departure. Please check your SUPO, in the table overview of balances, there is a line “Amount to pay”. That is where you can see how much you should pay in last months including outstanding fees (internet, electronic appliances).
I still have some money on my SUPO. How can I get it back? -> You can get your money back in cash from the accommodation assistant. If the sum exceeds 1000 CZK please inform the assistant before seeing him/her. It may happen (s)he will not have enough cash to pay you back. If you have some money on the canteen account (WebKredit), you should transfer the money to your SUPO account in advance in order to get back all the money. If you did not manage/ did not want to get your money in cash, you can have it sent to your account. Go here. In the “category” field, choose SUPO, otherwise you can just simply explain that you want money to be sent to your account. Fill in this document and attach it to your request. Be prepared for the banks to charge some fees and that it may take some time for the money to arrive.
I am already outside the Czech Republic
If you finished the semester from abroad, don't forget to do the following:
1) If you left your belongings in Brno, have them shipped or return for them to Brno (if the current travel measures allow that).
2) Terminate your accommodation contract, pay off outstanding items by a bank transfer if needed and send keys to the reception of your dormitory (or pay the fine).
3) Make sure your library books are returned.
4) Deliver necessary documents (checkout form, confirmation of study period) to me! (see above). Your accommodation assistant will sign your checkout form even if sent by email.
How will you calculate my date of departure?
Students who stayed in the Czech Republic - the standard procedure: your official date of departure on your documents will be your real date of departure (confirmed by the dormitories or by presenting a transportation ticket for the given date) UNLESS more than 7 days have passed since your last exam (in other words, we will confirm max. 7 days after your last exam).
Students completing the semester online: We can confirm both dates on your documents - until when you were physically in Brno and until when you studied online. The second one will be the date of your last online exam (which must be until the end of June, unless you present a proof that you could not finish the course by the end of June). It is up to your home university to decide how they will calculate your scholarship. As for the date of a physical stay in Brno, if you left before 15 March, we will confirm 15 March, after this date, we will use the date you left the dormitories, or you have to present a transportation ticket in case of living in private accommodation.