Dormitories FAQ
What to do to extend/shorten the dormitory accommodation contract?
-> Check the email that was sent to you on November 13, and talk to your accommodation assistant.
Will I get the booking deposit back?
-> Yes, the booking deposit will be released after you have checked out. See how to transfer it to your account below.
Will I get the security deposit back?
-> Yes, the security deposit will be used to cover your last month of accommodation. Please check your SUPO, in the table overview of balances, there is a line “Amount to pay”. That is where you can see how much you should pay in last months including outstanding fees (internet, electronic appliances).
I still have some money on my Webkredit/ SUPO. How can I get it back? -> MU canteen money: If you still have money on your MU canteen credit, transfer it to SUPO (login into MU WebKredit here, go for Account management and SUPO).
-> SUPO deposit and money leftovers:
You can request the money on SUPO to be transferred to the Czech based bank account in CZK at any point during your studies at MU. Find the request here Before we deactive your students status at MU, you can request everything that is not blocked on SUPO (so everything except for the booking deposit as it gets released only after we deactivate your student accout in late February 2024).
Once your MU IS account is terminated (late-February 2024), you can ask for your SUPO booking deposit money and everything that left on SUPO to be sent to your home country bank account. For that please take the following steps (only after we deactive your student account in late-February 2024):
Step 1: click here to enter your bank account number to our system and step 2: click here to make the refund. The refund money transfer will take about a week from the point of request
Hint 1: Use bank account in IBAN form to make the bank transfer is doable. If you do not have you bank account in IBAN form (non-EU countries), go on with filling it out to the online request, but be really careful with entering the back account number as there is no further check on its validity).
Hint 2: Keep in mind that the bank transfers esp. outside EU are not fee-free and the fee may exeed the transferred amount. E.g. if the leftover is app. around CZK 30 and you request tranfer outside EU, it will not be transferred as the fee equals the requested amount. You have an option of transfering the left over to MU (in can choose this option in SUPO).