The last instalment of scholarship (30 per cent) will be paid after
- you have completed the Learning Agrement and its changes
- you have submitted EU Survey online
- you gain at least 20 ECTS or we arranged differently
- you inform me about the date of departure and date of check out (you must let me know before 10th December 2023 or earlier as mentioned above)
- if you are leaving earlier than 5th February 2024, you must sign additional documents to amend the original grant agreement
Green Erasmus travel top-up request: If at least a half of your traveling to Brno and back consists of a green travel (a bus and a train, a shared travel) you may request the Green Erasmus top up. Please email me back to double-check with me for further details.
You must submit the boarding pass from your air travel back home and inform us about any changes that appeared during your travel back home and have not been shared with us (esp. change of date).