Erasmus+ ICM travel arrangements for the autumn semester 2023
The arrival date to Brno is Sunday 10th September 2023 at the latest, and your scholarship support lasts by Friday 9th February 2024. So you need to be present in Brno for this period for your exchange Erasmus+ ICM programme. If you wish you can arrive earlier and/or leave later – however, make sure you have a valid passport and visa (in case you need it).
The latest arrival date to Brno is Sunday 10th September 2023 The earliest departure date from Brno is Friday 9th February 2024 in case you want to get the full 5-month long scholarship support (both dates are also the edge dates for scholarship supported period, different individual arrangements apply). The minimal lenght of mobility is 3 months. If you leave Brno for period longer than a week, you must inform your MU coordinater at MU (Mr. Martin Vašek) about it.
Please read the instructions on travel arrangements bellow carefully
See the guidelines how to get to Brno at the bottom of the page
Traveling options: by plane
You need to get your traval arrange by yourself
- We recommend you to arrange the plane ticket only once your your visa has been issued
- Please make sure you also include the cancelation insurance (for general reasons) in case you need to cancel the mobility or you can not enter the Czech Republic at all.
Traveling options: by plain - further details
Few important rules:
- Please note that the limit (see bellow) is meant to cover your travel to Brno and back (and changes of your ticket that might occur or other travel costs incl. bus and train).
- In case you are buying a ticket yourself your costs will be reimbursed after your arrival to Brno and only upon handling all original receipts confirming the payment and boarding passes. Only real costs (up to the limit) of your flight ticket will be reimbursed, but only in case you start the mobility and arrive to Brno (and stay in Brno for at least 90 days during the teaching period).
- If you are arranging your flight yourself, we do not advise you to start the ticket purchase before the embassy issues your visa – it can happen that you do not get visa on time and it is not possible to cover change/cancellation fee.
- Make sure you also arrange a cancelation insurance for the ticket for unpredictable circumstances.
- Masaryk university is responsible for financial management of the project and therefore is obliged to decide which costs can be reimbursed and which not, in accordance with the rules of Erasmus+ program.
- In case you are not able to come to Brno (different restriction on the way, closed border, program decission) make sure you can apply the ticket cancelation policy.
Travelling options: by bus or train
Traveling by bus/train is usually cheaper than flying and it is more eco-friendly therefore we recommend it whenever it is practical. Unfortunately, we are not able to arrange tickets for bus or train but all your costs directly connected to your journey to/from Brno will be reimbursed (up to the limit for all the travel costs all together - see the limits below).
In case traveling by bus/train is the only way of transport you used on the way to Brno and at the same time from Brno to your home country, you may get elegible for a Green Erasmus top-up. Martin will approach you individiually about it as it applies only to certain countries. You will be reimbursed only upon handling all original receipts and tickets.
Travelling options: car or taxi
Not allowed by Erasmus+ program. If you choose this way of transportation your costs cannot be reimbursed!
Travel costs limits
Maximum amount of all travel costs covered by the Erasmus+ project (calculated according to kilometers from city of your home university to Brno). Distances are calculated, in accordance with rules of Erasmus+ program using the online tool. The limit is meant to cover one trip to Brno and back to your home country (round trip) for all means of transportation together.
Distance from home to host University |
Amount in euro |
100 - 499 km |
180 |
500 a 1 999 km |
275 |
2 000 a 2 999 km: |
360 |
3 000 a 3 999 km: |
530 |
4 000 a 7 999 km: |
820 |
8 000 km and more: |
1500 |
Erasmus+ ICM scholarship details
After your arrival to Brno, you will be given the first scholarship installment in app. from to two to three weeks after your arrival. It will be transferred to your bank account in EUR you will open after your arrival to Brno based on our instructions.
Your scholarship will be paid in three installments (we will explain the details once you arrive). The scholarship is EUR 800 for a period of 30 days.
- 50% of the whole amount within 2-3 weeks after your arrival
- 30% mid-term, once you submit required documents
- 20% before your departure once you submit the EU Survey and gain 20 ECTS
Travel costs reimbursement transfer will happen:
- inbound travel with the second scholarship instalment (the scholarship transfer will be topped up with the reimbursmenet amount). In case you have a round ticket we can reimburse them with the inbound travel.
- outbound travel with the third scholarship instalment (the scholarship transfer will be topped up with the reimbursmenet amount)