20 Apr 2023, 9:27

Long-term visa application for the purpose of study

We are hereby sending you vital information about the visa application procedures which can take up to 60 days! Please pay attention and read them carefully as visas are one of the crucial requirements for studying abroad. Please use the attached check list so that you do not forget anything.

We divided the whole procedure into a few steps:

1. Passport check - contact details check

  • Valid passport – passport has to be valid at least 6 months after the end of your mobility
  • Your name in the online application has to be exactly the same as on your passport

2. Visa appointment & police clearance certificate

Contact the nearest Czech embassy and check the visa application requirements. You can find the addresses of the embassies here. Make sure you are aware of the visa application submission options (you may need to arrange the visa application submission appointment in advance). I emailed you more details about it already (but see below as well), keep in mind that you need to have all visa documents ready for the visa appointment ASAP.

Do not wait for our documents to start the process, start with the preparation of others documents the embassy asks for! Without the criminal record translated into the Czech language (“police clearance certificate” or “extract from the Penal Register record”) the embassy will not accept you! I will also email you the scanned copy of the visa supporting documents. The Embassy may need it for arranging the visa application submission appointment.

Keep in mind that the visa processing time is up to 60 days. Submitting the visa application at the Czech Embassy in period shorter than 60 days before beginning of the MU Orientation Week may result in not having the valid visa at time of your planned departure to Brno.

3. Keep in touch

Once your visa appointment is booked, e-mail us at vasek@czs.muni.cz and let us know the date of your appointment. In case of any changes of your appointment, inform us, too.

4. Visa supporting documents

Once you receive the documents from Masaryk University (we send it by DHL/regular post directly to the university, not to the student), please let us know so that we can be sure everything is okay. The documents you will receive from Masaryk University are following:
  1. Acceptance (in English language) – for your records or your home university.
  2. Letter confirming your exchange study at Masaryk University (in Czech, Potvrzeni o prijeti ke studiu) - a document confirming the purpose of the stay in the Czech Republic for visa application).
  3. Confirmation of accommodation at MU halls of residence (in Czech, Doklad o zajištění ubytování) – a document confirming your accommodation at MU Halls of residence for visa application).

We will also provided you with a scanned copy of your MU visa supporting documents.

You will hand the documents in the Czech language to the embassy together with others visa documents you put together. Make sure you apply for the long-term visa for the purpose of study. General information about the visa application can be found here.
Be aware of the fact the Czech Embassy accepts only fully completed visa appliction and does not accept any scanned documents.

5. Travel health insurance for the visa application

Every long-term visa applicant is required to have an adequate travel medical insurance which covers the whole period of stay (including your travel). This is the immigration law requirment and there is only once Czech republic-based insurance company PVZP to provide it. The cost of insurance is not covered by the programme nor Masaryk University.

If you need any assistance with arranging the travel health insurance with PVZP, get in touch with the insurance agent Mr. Fendrich, who we work with, at tf@eurovalley.cz. You may also go directly to the PVZP web pages with discount prices https://online.pvzp.cz/clfe/kzpce/#/individual-basic-info?partner=OSU&kod=MUNI202109.

Please make sure you meet the travel health insurance requirements set by the programme you are participating in (mainly ISEP programme).

6. Visa processing time

The Czech Embassy sends the hard copy visa application to the Czech Republic to be assessed at the Czech Ministry of Interior. The visa processing time by law is up to 60 days from the day the visa application was successfully submitted at the Czech Embassy. There is no way for the Embassy or Masaryk University to speed up the visa processing time. Let us know in case the processing the visa takes more than 60 days.

Once the visa is approved/rejected you will be informed directly by the Czech Embassy. You can also check the visa application status (in progress or approved/rejected) on the web pages of the Czech Ministry of Interior (Use the submittion number you got at the Czech Embassy)

Visa check and hint list

Do you need help with filling in the visa application. Find a hint list below.



Useful information

See useful links below:

MU International student guide

Orientation Week

Semester calendar

MU Centre for International Cooperation


How to get to Brno
How to get to your dormitory
Map of Brno
App - MU buildings

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