5. Travel health insurance for the visa application
Every long-term visa applicant is required to have an adequate travel medical insurance which covers the whole period of stay (including your travel). The cost of insurance is not covered by the programme nor Masaryk University.
List of Czech based insurance companies that provide the travel healh insurance schemes for visa applicants are below.
Insurance company Web in English
Maxima https://goo.gl/1ghT2u
PVZP https://goo.gl/CkB8Fq
SLAVIA https://goo.gl/e4coMC
UNIQA https://goo.gl/CJVXaF
Ergo https://goo.gl/cQs1AR
If you need any assistance with arranging the travel health insurance, get in touch with agent Mr. Fendrich, who we work with, at tf@eurovalley.cz.